1. Class Projects
    1. Major Class Projects
    2. Minor Class Projects
  2. Volunteer Projects
  3. Future Projects

Class Projects

Major Class Projects

IMDb Timeline

This project came from INFO 4307 Learning From Web Data taught by Professor Carl Lagoze. I worked on this project with Ben Perry '12. Using the Python module Beautiful Soup, I was able to screen scrape the data from the International Movie Database's (IMDb) Top 250 rated movies. To visualize the data on a timeline, we used the MIT Simile Timeline project. We chose project to see if we could find any trends or patterns with respect to movie ratings and time.


This project was a group project for INFO 4400 Advanced Human-Computer Interaction Design taught by Professor Dan Cosley. Our goal was to build a system that would analyze one's Twitter posts for emotional content. This tool can be used to monitor and suggest adjustment in one's self-presence on the internet. We used the Twitter API to query for the entered username. We were supplied a license to use the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count tool (LIWC) to do analysis for emotional, cognitive, and social processes along with other key characterstics of a tweet.

C-Map Interactive Map System

This project was a group project for INFO 3450 Human-Computer Interaction Design taught by Professor Dan Cosley. Our goals for this project were not to necessarily create a working system, but instead create a hypothetical system based on readings and theories studied in class. We conducted research by designing and distributing surveys as well as performing user testing in a lab-like setting.

Minor Class Projects

Cornell Courses API

I built an API with various methods that pulls data from CUInfo. Such methods were being able to get semesters the course is available, course instructor, and a course description. I am currently working on providing a better documentation for this API. Once an acceptable documentation has been finished, I plan to host the provide the source for anyone to download and use.


This project was a group project for INFO 4320 Rapid Protyping and Physical Computing with Professor Francois Guimbretiere. This robot uses an Arduino chip to interpret sounds from a musical instrument (i.e. a recorder) and move in a certain manner depending on the tones.

Volunteer Projects

Cornell Bowling Club Site

As elected Web Developer, I am currently in charge of maintaining the website for the Cornell Bowling Club. I have several ideas as to what features I would like to implement to the site, as it's main interface has not changed for quite sometime. For example, I would like to make the site editable by any of the club officers without them having to know HTML.

Future Projects

Cornell Courses Scheduler

Building upon the API I built for the Cornell courses, I would like to create an automated schedule recommendation service for students. Combining this data with data from RateMyProfessors.com, and previous students' schedules, using machine learning techniques, I and my group partner Ben Perry may attempt to make this available to Cornell students by the end of the semester.